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The most popular kid in school - now celebrating over 5 MILLION downloads! The story goes that Hard Time's prison has closed down and re-opened as a high school, but the challenge to survive and thrive remains the same! Live every hour of every day in real-time - from getting out of bed in the morning to attending a timetable full of classes, as you explore a city filled with interactive props. Picking up knowledge from each class helps you answer real questions in 10 different subjects, as you work towards the grades you need to graduate. But with over 100 fellow students walking the halls, an equally important popularity contest decides whether your days are filled with fun or fear. Although the game is mostly free to play, you can upgrade to a "Private" education to remove ads and make the school your own - starting with a student of your own creation and saving your changes to all 10 classes as well as the teachers and civilians. Private students also benefit from a more continuous experience that never ends until you want it to. And unlike the sims with numerous micro purchases, just ONE small payment unlocks the whole game for life. BASIC CONTROLS: In-game tutorials explain in more depth, but the basic controls are as follows: A = Attack (on its own to aim low, with a direction to aim high) G = Grapple / Throw object R = Run P = Pick-Up / Drop (with a direction to prioritize objects, without to prioritize furniture) T = Taunt (interact with props) OTHER CONTROLS - Press ATTACK and RUN together to launch a powerful attack. - Press any button with any direction (or none) in a grapple to trigger different moves (as in Wrestling Revolution). - Press RUN and PICK-UP together to set fire to a small object (which can then be used to set fire to a large object). - Touch the clock or health meter to pause the game for more options. - Tap the speech bubbles to speed through conversations. PERFORMANCE - If you find your device struggles to display lots of characters, considering keeping the "Population" option low. - "Speed Up Frame Rate" sleeping will require good performance, so consider leaving it on "Speed Up Clock". - Head to the "Display" options to tone down other features. To learn more about this and other games, join the debate at: www.facebook.com/MDickieFans @MDickieDotcom 在学校里最受欢迎的孩子 - 现在庆祝超过500万次的下载! 故事是这样的困难时期的监狱已经关闭并重新打开了一所高中,但面临的挑战生存和发展仍然是相同的!生活的每一天的每一个小时实时 - 从早上起床到参加一个时间表,充满了阶级,为您探索充满互动的道具城市。从各班拿起知识,可帮助您回答在10个不同学科真正的问题,因为你对你需要毕业成绩的工作。但超过100个同学走在大厅,一个同样重要的人气竞赛决定你的日子是否充满乐趣或恐惧。 虽然游戏大多是免费游戏,你可以升级到“私人”的教育去除广告,让学校自己 - 开始用自己创作的学生,并保存到所有10个类别的变化以及教师和平民。私人学生也受益于直到你希望它永远不会结束的更为连续的体验。而不像与众多微型购买模拟人生,只是一个小的支付解除对生活的整场比赛。 基本控件: 在游戏的教程更深入地解释,但基本控制如下: A =攻击(在其自己的瞄准低,用方向瞄准高) G =抓斗/投掷物体 R =运行 P =接送/送(有方向优先考虑的对象,而不优先考虑家具) T =嘲讽(道具互动) 其他控件 - 按攻击并一起运行发动强大的攻击。 - 按在擒抱任何方向(或无)任一按钮来触发不同的动作(如摔跤革命)。 - 按RUN和PICK-UP一起放火一个小物体(然后可以用来放火烧一个大对象)。 - 触摸时钟或保健仪暂停游戏的更多选择。 - 点击语音泡沫通过对话来加速。 性能 - 如果你发现你的设备的斗争,以显示人物众多,考虑到保持“人口”选项低。 - “加快帧率”沉睡需要良好的性能,因此考虑离开它的“加快时钟”。 - 团长“显示”选项淡化其他功能。 要了解更多关于这和其他的游戏,加入讨论在: www.facebook.com/MDickieFans @MDickieDotcom
新版变化 - Enhanced compatibility with the latest hardware and operating systems (please e-mail support